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Jesus Christ


(originally written 7/26/16)



This upset me so bad, I reactivated my Facebook account just to share it with everyone.

Last night, I'm walking back home from the hoop courts, a roughly 15-minute trek.
Repeat: WALKING.
Actually, having been there for well over two hours on bum knees, I was basically dragging.

As I reach the edge of the premises, somebody yells out to me. "Hey, bruh?"

I turn around. Some guy, about mid-50’s, is about 100 feet away in the parking lot. His car hood is open.
"You got jumper cables?"

I do have jumper my home...some distance away. Which I tell this guy.
"But you got em?"
"Yeah, but they're way up the street. And once I get home, I ain't goin' back out."
"I'll walk wit'choo!"

What the flying f---? No you won't, dude.  Besides, once I get home, I'm supposed to just drive the two of us back? I don't know you! And I don't remember offering to do that! We ain't ridin' or walkin' nowhere together.

Besides, I was spent. I already told this dude that—when I got home, I was done. And I'm sure as f--- not turning my cables over to him and hoping he's honest enough to bring them back. 

I understand dude was desperate, and it could be that desperation clouded his thought process in this instance. But the more likely answer is...dude had just that much nerve.

My response to him: a firm "No, thanks."
I hear some mildly-audible grumbling as I continue walking...but whatever. It isn't my problem.

This goes back to my recent Facebook status update: don't hesitate to put your needs ahead of others when the situation calls for it—it IS OKAY to be the "bad guy" sometimes, and to draw lines and set boundaries. Feelings may be hurt and offense may be taken, but...oh, well. 

In 2003 a neighbor, whose name we didn’t even know, came to our door in a towel asking to use our shower because his was “weak”. I told him no right to his face—he was truly surprised (this was a fit, good-sized urban dude who probably wasn’t told no a lot. I suspect he really wanted my then-girlfriend to appreciate his build up close. But I’m not here to talk about the past.)

So, friends: if you're staggering along at 20% health, and some pushy fool is more or less telling you to go out of your way and potentially risk your safety to help him...F--- him. He'll be okay. You're not an emergency service.

Everyone needs help sometimes. If you want to be a hero, great. But if you don't, don't. And do not feel bad about it. Bust out pepper spray if you must. Out the door I go; have a great Thursday.

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