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7/28/15: providential (prov-i-den-shuhl); adj.

1. opportune, fortunate or lucky.


IN A SENTENCE: Mel's firing was both abrupt and providential, since he caught two chicks making out as he vacated the building.

7/24/15: indemnify (in-dem-nuh-fehy), v.

1. to compensate for damage, expense, etc.


IN A SENTENCE: For wrecking her bike, Sheila decided to indemnify Curt by giving him herpes.




7/18/15: sinewy (sin-yoo-ee), adj.

4. vigorous or forceful, as in language.


IN A SENTENCE: Karla was removed as pastor for being too sinewy and vulgar during her sermons.




7/12/15: agliophobia (n/a), n.

1. fear of pain.


IN A SENTENCE: Because Jana has agliophobia, Kurt is not allowed to act on his fantasy of biting her.




7/10/15: fungible (fuhn-juh-buhl), n.

1. interchangeable, replaceable, esp. goods.


IN A SENTENCE: Ernie considers himself too superior and his many partners too fungible to ever learn their names.




7/8/15: brio (bree-oh), n.

1. with vigor or vivality.


IN A SENTENCE: Ashley brushed against Esteban's elbow, and he blew his load with overwhelming brio into his pants.




7/3/15: coprophobia (n/a), n.

1. fear of feces.


IN A SENTENCE: Jairo developed coprophobia after one too many times playing the "oops" game with Elysa.



6/25/15: proliferate (pruh-lif-uh-reyt), v.

1. to increase quickly, excessively.



IN A SENTENCE: When Beverly's husband unexpectedly returned, Bryon was forced to proliferate his thrusting into her.




6/21/15: ephebiphobia (n/a), n.

1. fear of teenagers.



IN A SENTENCE: Geoff "caught" ephebiphobia when a 9th-grader's peeled acne landed in his food.




6/18/15: despotic (dih-spot-ik), adj.

1. tyrannical.


IN A SENTENCE: Linda is serious, perhaps even despotic, about Jake visiting her mom late at night without her.




6/14/15: kenophobia (n/a), n.

1. fear of voids or empty spaces.


IN A SENTENCE: Ariel's conversations with Bill run short, because her airheadedness often triggers his kenophobia.




6/10/15: attenuate (uh-ten-yoo-eyt), v.

1. to weaken or reduce in force, intensity.


IN A SENTENCE: Howie attenuated his pounding on Eva's backdoor because her contacts kept flying out.




6/7/15: ombrophobia (n/a,), n.

1. fear of rain or being rained on.


IN A SENTENCE: Red won't let Shana ride him because her excessive sweating triggers his ombrophobia.




6/3/15: mendacious (men-dey-shuh s,), adj.

1. untruthful, dishonest, false.


IN A SENTENCE: Calvin spun a long, mendacious fairy tale to explain the naked prostitute on his roof.




5/31/15: vestiphobia (n/a,), n.

1. fear of clothing.


IN A SENTENCE: Lindsey's neighbor tried to cure her (nonexistant) vestiphobia by watching her disrobe and then stealing her dirty laundry.




5/28/15: desultory (des-uh l-tawr-ee,), adj.

1. lacking a plan or purpose; unfocused, disconnected.


IN A SENTENCE: Because of George's desultory approach to finding Mary's hotel room, he accidentally had sex with her father instead of her.




5/24/15: alblutophobia (n/a), n.

1. fear of washing or bathing.


IN A SENTENCE: Jamal felt crappy when he caught his girlfriend banging the alblutophobic kid in his bed.




5/21/15: edify (ed-uh-fahy), v.

1. to instruct or benefit; uplift.


IN A SENTENCE: Ennis wasn't sure he was ready to "go to the ATM" but after Holly encouraged and edified him, he made a hefty deposit.




5/17/15: blennophobia (n/a), n.

1. fear of slime.


IN A SENTENCE: Marlee's blennophobia led to intense screaming when Julius finished on her neck. (He mistook it for an orgasm.)




5/14/15: insouciant (in-soo-see-uh nt), adj.

1. easygoing, casual, free from worry.


IN A SENTENCE: Dana's bold, insouciant approach to dating has led to four pregnancies and a bout with Hep A over the past 18 months.




5/11/15: approbative (ap-ruh-bey-tiv), adj.

1. favorable, approving.


IN A SENTENCE: Shane used to shun using beads back there, but now carries an approbative attitude towards it.




5/6/15: soporose (sop-uh-ros), adj.

1. in an unusually deep state of sleep.


IN A SENTENCE: Taking advantage of Roger's soporose state, Trish satisfied her toe fetish for hours.

4/30/15: alacrity (uh-lak-ri-tee), n.

1. cheerful readiness, promptness or willingness.


IN A SENTENCE: Julianna was puzzled by the alacrity Lane showed once she asked him for a pearl necklace for her birthday. (It later made sticky sense.)




4/26/15: antlophobia (n/a), n.

1. fear of floods.


IN A SENTENCE: Howard learned he suffered from antlophobia when he attempted crimson tide with Bonnie.




4/21/15: punctilious (puhngk-til-ee-uh s), adj.

1. showing great attention to detail.


IN A SENTENCE: Bebe is punctilious to the point of measuring her husband's erections before allowing penetration.




4/13/15: titivate (TIT-i-vayt), v.

1. to make smarter; to spruce up; to decorate.


IN A SENTENCE: Before going out, Cala titivates herself by masking her cold sores with lipstick.



4/8/15: degust (dih guhst), v.

1. to taste or savor carefully or appreciatively.


IN A SENTENCE: One reason Mandy broke up with Rod was his habit of getting her drunk, then degusting her toes as she slept it off.




4/2/15: passel (pas uh l), n.

1. a group or lot of indeterminate number.


IN A SENTENCE: The passel of Hustlers under Vernon's bed reached from floor to ceiling....twice.




3/29/15: nelophobia (n/a), n.

1. fear of glass.


IN A SENTENCE: An unnoticed mirror on the ceiling triggered Jerry's nelophobia and he creamed all over Cindy's laptop trying to escape.




3/23/15: prescient (presh-uh nt), adj.

1. Having knowledge of things or events before they happen; having foresight.


IN A SENTENCE: Doug proved to be prescient when he predicted a mace attack upon peeping at an undressing neighbor.




3/14/15: altophobia (n/a), n.

1. fear of heights.


IN A SENTENCE: Dawn bit Rusty when, unaware of her altophobia, he flung her onto the chandelier during sex. 




3/11/15: dichotomy (dahy-kot-uh-mee), n.

1. division into two parts, kinds, etc.; subdivision into havles or pairs.


IN A SENTENCE: For Lance, the dichotomy of relationships is as such: left hand or right hand.



2/27/15: deflagrate (DEF-luh-grayt), v.

1. to burn rapidly with intense heat.


IN A SENTENCE: Because of gonorrhea, Rhett's junk deflagrates anytime he urinates now, but scoring with Tasha was worth it.




2/22/15: venustraphobia (n/a), n.

1. fear of beautiful women.


IN A SENTENCE: Kyle couldn't understand why Elise slapped him after he admitted his venustraphobia won't affect their relationship.




2/17/15: fallow (FAL oh), adj.

1. not in use, inactive.


IN A SENTENCE: Ever since entering a relationship, Dinah's vibrator has become fallow and obsolete.




2/12/15: conflation (kuh-n-fley-shuh-n), n.

1. the process or result of fusing items into one entity 


IN A SENTENCE: Greta the Geek views sex as a conflation of two longing souls, while Joey the Jock views it as awesome.




2/7/15: putative (pyoo-tuh-tiv), adj.

1. commonly regarded as such; reputed; supposed


IN A SENTENCE: Rex owned the putative largest cock on campus, so he whipped it out and got arrested.




2/3/15: taradiddle (tar-uh-DID-l), n.

1. a small lie, fib.


IN A SENTENCE: Jody spun a wee taradiddle when she told Drew all her orgasms were genuine.




1/25/15: dendrophobia (n/a) n.

1. fear of trees.


IN A SENTENCE: After getting aroused, Miguel tried the following pickup line at the club: "Hope you don't have dendrophobia...cuz there's a TREE in my pants!"


1/20/15: klatsch (klahch) n.

1. a casual gathering of people, often for informal conversation..


IN A SENTENCE: Ellie assured the increasingly impatient klatsch of dudes outside her dorm to hang tight; she'd mount every last one of them if it took all night.


1/13/15: pedantic (puh-dan-tik) adj.

1. overly concerned with minute details; formalities.


IN A SENTENCE: Trevor loves his girlfriend, even though she's sexually pedantic and insists he gaze lovingly into her eyes before cumming all over her stomach.

1/11/15: methyphobia (n/a) n.

1. fear of alcohol.


IN A SENTENCE: Ernie had methyphobia, so instead of using booze to trap him with a pregnancy, Myrna emptied his used condom into herself instead.

1/7/15: condign (n/a) adj.

1. well-deserved; fitting, adequate.


IN A SENTENCE: In college Leona used to blow dudes after every football game; she was named "Most Likely to Contract Syphilis", a condign award if there ever was one.




1/4/15: barophobia (n/a)  

1. fear of gravity.


IN A SENTENCE: Jim overcame his barophia and is now able to enjoy sex while swinging from chandeliers.

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