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12/28/14: hylophobia (n/a), n.

1. fear of forests.


IN A SENTENCE: Darrick's hylophobia prevents him from fulfilling his fantasy of mating with an elk.




12/26/14: bellicose (bel i kohs), adj.

1. inclined or eager to fight; aggressively hostile, pugnacious.


IN A SENTENCE: Every time he passes the yoga center, Sam grows edgy and bellicose; his broken hand prevents him from pleasuring himself once he gets home.




12/16/14: supercillious (soo-per-sil-ee-uh s), adj.

1. haughtily disdainful or, contemptuous, as a person or facial expression


IN A SENTENCE: Hannah walks around all supercilious just because she's never accidentally gone to work with a cum stain on her pants.




12/13/14: tocophobia (n/a), n.

1. fear of pregnancy or childbirth.


IN A SENTENCE: Tanya combats her tocophobia by only participating in anal sex. Her partner Roy doesn't mind.




12/9/14: vassal (vas-uh l), n.

1. a subordinate; slave.


IN A SENTENCE: Lance hired his own personal vassal to beat him off when his girlfriend is on her period.




12/7/14: chionophobia  (n/a), n.

1. fear of snow.


IN A SENTENCE: Johnny's chlonophobia cost him $100, as his friends dared him to penetrate a snowman from behind.




12/3/14: indolent  (in-dl-uh nt), adj.

1. lazy, indifferent.


IN A SENTENCE: Kerry had planned to have a visitor tonight and knew the bush needed trimming, but indolence won out and she watched porn instead.




11/29/14: brontophobia (n/a), n.

1. fear of thunder and lightning.


IN A SENTENCE: Regina's unwanted pregnancy occured while doing brontophobic Hal in a rainstorm; he freaked out and came inside her.



11/25/14: epoch (ep-uh k), n.

1. a particular period of time marked by distinctive features, events, etc.


IN A SENTENCE: Marty's 21st birthday kicked off an epoch of booze, crabs, gonorrhea and syphillis.




11/21/14: obviate (ob-vee-eyt), v.

1. to anticipate and prevent or eliminate (difficulties, disadvantages, etc.) by effective measures; render unneccessary.


IN A SENTENCE: Ernie's company blocked porn sites; he obviated this by nailing hookers during his lunch break.




11/18/14: compunction (kuh m-puhngk-shuh) n.

1.  a feeling of uneasiness or anxiety of the conscience caused by regret for doing wrong or causing pain.

2. any uneasiness or hesitation about the rightness of an action.


IN A SENTENCE: Courtney battled guilt and great compunction over stealing Daryl's used condom and attempt to impregnate herself with it.




11/14/14: atelophobia (n/a) v.

1.  a fear of imperfection, defects.


IN A SENTENCE: Jamie suffered from atelophobia for years, until he invested in phallostaphy and a vacuum pump.




11/10/14: exsanguinate (eks-sang-gwuh-neyt) v.

1.  to drain of blood; make bloodless.


IN A SENTENCE: Damon couldn't orally please Ariel on her birthday because she was perioding to the level of exsanguination.




11/7/14: cacography (kuh-kog-ruh-fee,) n.

1.  poor penmanship; bad handwriting.


IN A SENTENCE: Because of the sloppy cacography in Darren's note, his crush called—and gave head to—the wrong guy.




11/3/14: ineffable (in-ef-uh-buhl), adj.

1. incapable of being expressed or described in words; inexpressible.


IN A SENTENCE: After a day surrounded by bikini-clad girls, Doug felt ineffable relief upon going home and rubbing one out.




11/1/14: coulrophobia (kool-ruh-foh-bee-uh), noun.

1. a fear of clowns.


IN A SENTENCE: From age five on, Janet suffered intense coulrophobia. It's because her mom let out blood-curdling screams as she double-teamed two clowns one night.




10/28/14: cloying (kloi-ing), adj.

4. causing or tending to cause disgust or aversion through excess.


IN A SENTENCE: Sean showers his wife with cloying attention whenever he's on a mission for anal.




10/22/14: phalanx (fey-langks, fal-angks), n.

4. a compact or closely massed body of persons, animals, or things.


IN A SENTENCE: Though it took awhile, Amber managed to satisfy the entire phalanx of cocks shoved in her face Friday night.




10/18/14: inure (in-yoo r), v.

1. to accustom to hardship, difficulty, pain, etc.; toughen or harden.


IN A SENTENCE: Theresa likes to use hot wax and thorny vines in bed. Roger has inured himself to his partner's disturbing sexual tastes.




10/13/14: assiduously (uh-sij-oo-uh s), adv.

1. constant, unremitting.  2. working dilligently.


IN A SENTENCE: Though Toby assiduously worked to unwrap the condom, Sheila grew impatient and used a toy instead.




10/8/14: recalcitrant (ri-kal-si-truh nt), adj.

1. resisting authority or control; not obedient or compliant; refractory.

2. hard to deal with, manage, or operate.   3. (n) a recalcitrant person.


IN A SENTENCE: Shannon demanded 30 minutes of oral from Scott, but being a fierce recalcitrant he only gave 10.




10/6/14: buoyant (boi-uh nt, boo-yuh nt.), adj.

2. cheerful or invigorating.


IN A SENTENCE: Edith has been exceptionally buoyant ever since her husband bought her a vibrator.




10/5/14: enmity (en-mi-tee), n.

1. a feeling or condition of hostility; hatred; ill will; animosity; antagonism.


IN A SENTENCE: Howard developed deep enmity for his brother John upon learning he'd been using Howard's socks to masturbate.




9/25/14: capricious (kuh-prish-uh s) adj. 

2. subject to, led by, or indicative of a sudden, odd notion or unpredictable change; erratic.


IN A SENTENCE: Jan is known to be unpredictable, like when she capriciously sucked a guy's dick right before pepper-spraying him.




9/23/14: feckless (fek-lis) adj. 

2. indifferent, lazy, no sense of responsibility.


IN A SENTENCE: Because of Darren's feckless approach to relationships, he now has to settle for prostitutes to get laid.




9/21/14: capitulate (kuh-pich-uh-leyt) v. 

1. To surrender unconditionally or on stipulated terms.


IN A SENTENCE: After months of not letting her boyfriend cum on her face, Tracy finally capitulated.




9/19/14: vacuity (va-kyoo-i-tee) n.

2. absence of thought or intelligence; inanity; blankness.


IN A SENTENCE: Tim liked Shannon not just for her willingness to swallow, but also for her vacuity.




9/16/14: ostentatious (os-ten-tey-shuh s) adj.

1. characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others.


IN A SENTENCE: Teri and I were having a nice time. Then she ostentatiously whipped out her imported French dildo collection, expecting me to be impressed.




9/14/14: rotary [roh-tuh-ree] noun (pl) -ries 

3. a part of a machine that rotates about an axis.

4. a roundabout (for traffic).


IN A SENTENCE: Jimmy and Mark got arrested. Why? They got caught blowing each other in the middle of the rotary. 

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